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Using Naiad Products


Golf Courses

Greenhouses and Nurseries


Home and Garden




Image of people inspecting cropsNaiad is a blend of non-ionic and anionic pharmaceutical-grade soil surfactants. This unique blend of surfactants helps spread water uniformly over the soil surface and through a soil structure. Naiad tilts and flocculates the soil surface so the water can enter between the soil particles. By helping the irrigation water go into the soil, Naiad improves the field moisture profile and insures the availability of water for plant growth, development, and for use in the evapotranspiration process.

Benefits of using Naiad

  • Opens soil structures for leaching salts, chlorides, bicarbonates and many other unwanted soil contaminants out of the root zone.
  • Hastens reclamation of alkali fields by aiding in the leaching process.
  • Improves crop vigor by aiding in the full utilization of applied nutrients and water.
  • Reduces the possibility of plant stress between irrigations.
  • Allows water to move easily through soil layers.
  • Helps fertilizers work better.
  • Can reduce Ec levels by up to 50%.
  • Helps promote healthy root growth. According to studies performed at the University of Arizona and the University of California (Riverside), Naiad helps control the spread of Phytophthora root rot.
  • According to a study currently in progress in Costa Rica, Naiad may help reduce the population of certain types of nematodes in the root zone.

Applying Naiad

  • Naiad may be combined with the irrigation water for use in all types of irrigation systems, sprinkler, drip, and surface.
  • Naiad may be sprayed onto the soil and watered in or allow the rain to move the product into the soil.
  • Naiad may be injected into the irrigation system.
  • Naiad is compatible with most common fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides. It is suggested that a jar test be used to make sure Naiad is compatible with what you are spraying.
  • Naiad is not compatible with KTS. Do not mix Naiad directly with acids.

Water is essential to every function within a plant. It is essential to photosynthesis, to cooling, to growth, to turgor, to rood development, and to overall vigor. Water serves as a solvent and as a reagent and is the single most important nutrient used by a plant. Water is involved in every maintenance practice in agriculture operations, such as fertilizing, pesticide treatments, and tilling. Water often needs help in doing its job effectively and efficiently. While most properties of water are beneficial, surface tension is not, and can result in inefficient water utilization and crop loss if not modified. When irrigation water is combined with Naiad, and properly applied, these water/soil penetration problems can be alleviated and even prevented.

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Golf Courses

What is Naiad?

Naiad is a wetting agent. It is a blend of surfactants whose basic function is to spread water uniformly over a soil surface and through a soil structure.

How does Naiad work?

Naiad works by modifying the water surface tension which enables the water to pass into the soil structure when contacting a water repellent surface.

Where can Naiad be used?

Naiad can be used on any area that has irrigation water infiltration problems. It makes no difference what the causes are: chemical, compaction, hydrophobic conditions caused by the high temperatures from burning or fungus infections, heavy thatch, organic top dressings, sand, or even the water itself.

Why use Naiad?

Image of another golf courseWater is essential to turf and plant growth. It can be utilized by the plant only through the root system. If soil repellency conditions are present, poor water utilization results, evidenced by excessive run-off or by prolonged standing water on the surface. Naiad, when properly applied, will aid in getting the irrigation or rain water into the soil, improving the moisture profile, and insuring the availability of water for plant use in evapotranspiration. Aeration cultivation operations may be reduced with Naiad use.

Does Naiad change the chemistry of the soil, or is it toxic?

NO! Naiad does not change the soil chemistry or have a toxic effect. The very small amount of Naiad used is completely bio-degradable in a matter of several weeks and no residual chemicals remain. However, the re-wetting properties imparted to the treated areas will remain for some time or until something compacts or changes the soil again. It follows that if Naiad is used, the re-wetting properties will remain to help capture the normal rains into the subsoil structure.

Are wetting agents, such as Naiad used in irrigation water, a new concept or recent technology?

No. Wetting agents have been around for many years and much experimental work has been done with some of the products on the market.

Even more about Naiad

All soil penetrants, also known as surfactants, water adjuvants, and wetting agents, do only one job, they modify the surface tension of the water which enables the water to pass into the soil structure easier and quicker than untreated water. That is all these products do!

If you compare the manufacturer’s instructions on the labels of the most used soil penetrants on the market today, you will find that Naiad is the most cost-effective. Most other soil penetrants require up to ten time the amount of product than Naiad does for an application on a given area. Naiad’s cost per gallon is significantly lower by comparison while still giving greater coverage.

Naiad is compounded of anionic and non-ionic surfactants (a complex mixed system) and these products are combined with a carrier (water) at a ratio of approximately two pounds anhydrous product per gallon. The resultant liquid compound can be injected into the irrigation system or applied with a spray or a Naiadrencher. Our chemistry is different from other products on the market.

Some competitive products are composed of just one type of surfactant or alcohol bases liquids. Do not be confused by claims of 100% “active” products. If these products are so active, why do they require so much more product to work?

For golf courses or other large turf areas, Naiad is used at the rate of 1 quart per acre per month during the growing season.

Depending on the severity of the infiltration problems, the user can expect to reduce his water and energy costs because of improved water management possibilities. Now it is possible to irrigate by Need rather than by the calendar or custom. A reasonable expectation is a 20% - 30% savings on your overall irrigation costs for water and energy.

Naiad can be a valuable aid in opening soil structures for leaching salts and bicarbonates or soil subjected to high salt assaults from effluent water irrigation.

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Green Houses and Nurseries

Image of the interior of a large commercial greenhouseNaiad Liquid is a mixture of non-ionic and anionic surfactants designed to give maximum performance. By mixing both non-ionic and anionic surfactants Naiad is able to maximize the spread of irrigation water across the surface of the soil while also allowing the water front to penetrate deeper.

Naiad’s unique balanced formulation is unequalled by any other product on the market today. In fact, when compared against other leading wetting agents, studies have demonstrated Naiad provides outstanding performance and greater coverage at a lower cost.

Concerns about cost-containment and protecting the environment are important reasons why Naiad is preferred by knowledgeable grounds care professionals. Naiad covers more ground--ounce for ounce--than any other wetting agent on the market. Naiad is 100 percent biodegradable, and contains no salts, so you can feel comfortable using Naiad month after month, year after year.

All over the world, water conservation is of primary importance. Grounds care professionals are continually looking for better ways to conserve water. Naiad’s unique formulation helps water move downward and laterally distributing itself so there is less moisture lost through evaporation. Independent studies and years of use have shown Naiad can help reduce water use by 15 – 30%.

With the increased use of reclaimed water, more nurseries are seeing the effects of salt buildup in the soils. Naiad has a proven record of helping flush salts out of the root zone. Independent studies have shown that regular use of Naiad can reduce sodium and Ec levels by up to 50%.

Naiad Liquid is available in 55-gallon drums, 30-gallon drums, and case of 2 x 2.5 gallon containers.

Usage Rates: Naiad Liquid may be applied safely at a rate of 4–32 ounces per cubic yard of material.

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Naiad Wetting Agent is used to help water penetrate compacted areas. Naiad may be used on open dirt areas, gravel roads, agricultural areas, building sites, or any place that water penetration is a problem. Naiad is safe to use around any vegetation. Naiad is approved for use on all crops by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Naiad allows water to penetrate deeper and faster, this allows minimum water run-off, and helps break up soil clods resulting in excellent compaction. Naiad helps save water, labor, fuel, and time by allowing fewer equipment trips across the compaction area, resulting in real dollar savings, due to the low usage rate, fewer passes with tamping and rolling equipment, fewer trips with the water truck, and uses less water.

Naiad can be applied through an irrigation system, spray tank, water truck, injection system or Venturi devices.

Naiad can be used at a rate of 1 to 2 ounces per 1000 sq. ft. or 1 – 2 quarts per acre to help water penetrate hard soils. Repeat application of Naiad as necessary. Naiad Wetting Agent is available in a case of 2 x 2.5 gallon containers, 30 and 55 gallon drums and 275 gallon totes.

Dust Control

Naiad Wetting Agent is effective in helping to control dust in construction areas. Use 8 to 32 ounces of Naiad per 1000 gallons of water or use one to four (1 - 4) quarts Naiad per 1 acre of soil. Naiad should be added toward the end of the fill to reduce foaming, a de-foamer is okay to use. Naiad is a temporary control of dust and should be applied every 3 to 5 days. Repeat applications as necessary.

Erosion Control

Naiad Wetting Agent is an excellent choice for helping with erosion control areas. Naiad may be applied by spray tank, injection system, or added to hydro-mulch tank.

Use Naiad Wetting Agent in newly-planted areas to help control the erosion caused by the irrigation system and on banks where runoff or erosion is a problem. Apply Naiad at a rate of 8 to 32 ounces per 1000 gallons of water or one to two (1–2) quarts per acre.

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Home and Garden

Tired of brown spots in your yard?

Tired of watching your water run off your yard and down the gutter?

Naiad L&G helps your water penetrate the soil more evenly allowing your plants to thrive. Naiad L&G is great for use on yards, gardens, vegetables, and fruit trees.

All over the world, water conservation is of primary importance. Grounds care professionals and farmers are continually looking for better ways to conserve water. Naiad’s unique formulation helps water move downward and laterally distributing itself so there is less moisture lost through evaporation and run-off. Independent studies and years of use have shown Naiad can help reduce water use by 15–30%.

Naiad L&G is a mixture of non-ionic and anionic surfactants designed to give maximum performance. By mixing both non-ionic and anionic surfactants Naiad is able to maximize the spread of irrigation water across the surface of the soil while also allowing the water front to penetrate deeper.

Naiad’s unique balanced formulation is unequalled by any other product on the market today. In fact, when compared against other leading wetting agents, studies have demonstrated Naiad provides outstanding performance and greater coverage at a lower cost.

Concerns about protecting the environment are an important reason why Naiad L&G is preferred by knowledgeable grounds care professionals and farmers. Naiad is 100 percent biodegradable, and contains no salts, so you can feel comfortable using Naiad month after month, year after year..

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